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Friday, 22 May 2015

Reading to a Young Child speaks More than Words!

Why is reading to a young child so exciting?

There are the regular reasons. It's important for them to hear language while they see pictures that also tell the story. Repetition of favorite stories allows them to be able to learn many reading/writing skills they will eventually be able to apply independently including prediction, questioning, language structure, vocabulary, sequence and eventually the importance of meaning--that the language sounds right and makes sense.  In many ways young children study how book language works! While you read to a young child you can almost hear the wiring being laid as their eyes light up in response to something which catches their imagination.

Benefits of frequently reading to young children also include enhancement of speaking and listening skills, exposure to new concepts, and confidence. It also nurtures imagination and creativity.

But above and beyond all the developmental reasons: IT IS FUN!! You, the adult, get to drop your role of responsibility and recharge your ability to play with your voice with an audience who is totally nonjudgmental--the sillier the better! Good early childhood books are designed to delight--you and your child. It's language often has rhythm and rhyme, the pictures colourful and uplifting.

Plus--and its a BIG plus: You get to cuddle another human. You get to share a loving moment with someone who loves you unconditionally. Is there anything better than that.

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